Philippe Dargent

Chief Operating Officer

Philippe DARGENT

I am aeroplane pilot;karate teacher;guitarist

Your career in brief?

Molecular biology is just one step away from computer science…

What inspires you in life?

The infinitely large and the infinitely small, in short the Universe is the greatest source of inspiration!

How many years in NAV?

17 years old… and grey hair!

You receive an elephant, and you can either keep it or sell it. Which do you choose?

I’m keeping it so I don’t forget anything!

As a child, what was your dream job?

Fighter pilot! Instead of flying a Rafale, I now fly single-engine tourist aircraft, like the Robin DR400.

How many windows do you think there are in New York?

kxt(1−xt) / μ0(J+ε0∂E/∂t). xt+1−∑p(x)logp(x) = overflow error!

Why work at DBE?

The human dimension, the quest for quality; and with Fred it’s a 20-year story that continues.

What are your hobbies?

I’m a private pilot, I play the guitar and I teach karate to children.


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