Tag: Nos solutions


Watch Manufacture

Although essential, know-how isn't everything. From elements, men and machines, your know-how creates this magic, helping to maintain the quality of Swiss watchmaking. Nonetheless, the agile cohabitation of different strategic areas of the company, with the aim of creating value, remains a challenge for all manufacturing companies, if they wish to maintain a constant level of quality. Dynamics Business Excellence
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Your company in your pocket

Your company in your pocket. In the digital age, business is no longer confined within four walls. A modern company needs to be mobile, with employees able to access company data quickly and easily, anywhere, anytime. Our Microsoft solutions are based on the ATAWAD concept (Any Time, AnyWhere, Any Devices), which means you can access all your functionalities wherever you
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The new VAT rates

The new VAT rates VAT ratesReminder of the situation In the popular vote of September 24th, 2017 the sovereign rejected the Federal Decree of March 17th, 2017 on additional financing of the AHV through an increase in value-added tax, as well as the Federal Law of March 17th, 2017 on the 2020 pension reform. For this reason, VAT rates will
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Social Media : a business asset that is still too often under-exploited

Social Media : a business asset that is still too often under-exploited Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat... In recent years, the use of Web 2.0 has become widespread. In Switzerland, for example, out of a population of 8.4 million, Facebook now has more than 4.2 million registered Swiss residents, or 50% of the population. Social networks are attracting more and
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Easily manage your travel expenses

Continia : Easily manage your travel expensesFrom digitisation of receipts to reimbursement, Continia automates every stage of the expense reporting process.Automated expense management As you know, having to manage travel receipts or any other activities related to business expenses means losing something very precious: time. Continia Expense Management is a solution that lets you simplify the recording and validation of
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Smart-Wip: the 4.0 digital touchboard solution

Smart-Wip : the 4.0 digital touchboard solutionA tool for the future of industry Do you want to reduce your work-in-process and manufacturing lead times, and quickly identify areas for improvement on your production and repair lines? Our partner WIPSIM, the eponymous creator of the CONWIP (CONstant Work In Process) flow management tool, is launching SmartWip: a connected digital touch-screen panel
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The new updates of Dynamics 365 Business Central

The new updates of Dynamics 365 Business CentralWriting descriptions and longer names You can now enter up to 100 characters in all Description and Name fields in Business Central. In previous versions, the character limit was 50. This change applies to the following items: The Name fields andon the main data records, such as customer, supplier, article, contact and resource
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